Autodesk Inventor Plug-In 8.0
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The Autodesk Inventor Plug-in 8.0 for Volo View 3 is used for viewing, marking up, and measuring .ipt, .iam, or .idw files created with Autodesk Inventor 5.3 or later.
The Autodesk Inventor Plug-in 8.0 was created for Volo View 3 users who want to view Autodesk Inventor 5.3 or later files.
- You do not need this plug-in if you have Autodesk Inventor 8 installed.
- You cannot use this plug-in if you have earlier versions of Autodesk Inventor installed on your computer.
- The Inventor Plug-in 8.0 is supported on the following Windows(TM) platforms only:
* Windows 2000 Professional SP2 or later
* Windows XP Professional/Home SP1